The siphon spell represents the fight for decentralization
The spell that started it all.
This unknown World of Warcraft spell is the reason you are here.
The quest for decentralization
Frustrated by the removal of his beloved spell from World of Warcraft, Vitalik understood the power of centralized control. To fight it, young Vitalik envisioned Ethereum as a decentralized haven.
The fellowship, led by Vitalik, forged a new era of autonomy and fairness. Ethereum became the antidote, empowering players to control their digital destiny.
The Siphon coin represents the will of Vitalik on a community of fighters for continuous development of decentralized services. The fight continues.
“I happily played World of Warcraft during 2007-2010, but one day Blizzard removed the damage component from my beloved warlock’s Siphon Life spell. I cried myself to sleep, and on that day I realized what horrors centralized services can bring. I soon decided to quit.”
The more Siphons you collect, the more power you may gain. An ERC20 token resurrecting Siphon Life Spell and using its power on further search for decentralization.